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Almond Flour

Suppliers of almond flour

Almond Flour is the most widely consumed flour in the world. This product has many uses: from making delicious cookies to decorating cakes and bread. Produce a wide range of food product that is healthy, nutritious, and tasty.

At Pertamina, you will find a product that is safe, stable, and environmentally friendly. Our Almond Flour is guaranteed to be the highest quality product that you can use in your daily cooking.

Since 1980, we've been offering our customers top-quality products and services at the lowest possible prices to help our customers achieve their business objectives. We have established an extensive network of national and international suppliers and customers worldwide.

What's so special about Pertamina?

We buy directly from manufacturers worldwide: We are one of the largest importers and resellers of food products in the Asia Pacific region. We have strong relationships with our manufacturers which enables us to offer a range of products at competitive prices.