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Dried Cloves

dried cloves for sale in Malaysia

Pertamina is the leading wholesale supplier and exporter of Dried Cloves in Malaysia. Pertamina imports and export the finest quality of cloves. Some of the characteristics we closely monitor are the moisture content, colour, size and flavour. We provide you with a high quality product that encompasses all these features, giving your customers the best value for their money.

Pertamina has been trading in Dried Cloves for more than 25 years, we know what a high specification means to our customers.

We understand that you need a reliable supplier who can provide you with a quality product at a competitive price. That's why we only source our cloves from the best growers in Malaysia and Indonesia. We have long-standing relationships with these growers and they know that we only accept the finest quality of cloves.

Once the cloves arrive at our state-of-the-art facility, they are sorted and graded according to size and color. We then put them through a rigorous testing process to ensure that they meet our high standards. Only the cloves that pass muster are sent out to our customers.

You can be confident that when you buy from Pertamina, you're getting the best Dried Cloves on the market.