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Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds manufacturers

Hemp seeds also known as hemp hearts consist of 20% protein, 33% of the recommended daily requirement of fatty acids, and almost 50% of the essential amino acids. Pertamina offers the finest quality hemp seeds in Malaysia. Our products are well-packed with excellent storage conditions to ensure that they reach you in good condition.

The hemp seeds are an excellent source of omega 3 and minerals such as phosphate, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and calcium. The very high content of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is of special interest for the commercial production of health foods and cosmetics. With the increasing interest in nutritional products, we see a large potential for hemp as a raw material.

Hemp seeds are often used for the production of milk, oil and cake. Our hemp seeds available in 15 kg paper bags. Want to know more about Hemp Seed? Click on this link https://www.kansahumiduite.com/product-tag/hemp-seeds